Sherzod Tokamov, PhD

Sherzod Tokamov, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher
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headshot of postdoc Sherzod Tomakov

My path to science was unconventional. After finishing high school, I immigrated to the US from Uzbekistan, where science classes were practically not taught. My first college experience in the US was pursuing a Business degree. While majoring in Business, I took an Environmental Science class and was immediately hooked! I went on to complete an undergraduate degree in Biology at Florida Gulf Coast University, where I developed a strong interest in biological research through the investigation of lichen growth and development with Prof. William Sanders. I earned my PhD from the University of Chicago in Rick Fehon’s lab studying how regulation of protein abundance and subcellular localization of protein complexes allows cells to organize and control the activity of signaling modules with specificity. In the Glaunsinger lab, I’m interested in exploring changes in host cell protein localization and stability induced by lytic gammaherpesvirus infection, how these changes impact cell’s ability to defend itself against the virus, and functional implications of these changes in viral pathogenesis. My favorite part of doing science is how serendipitous observations can lead to exciting discoveries. I enjoy teaching, mentoring, and doing outreach. Outside of the lab, I love swimming, learning to play the piano, and spending time with my family.