Britt Glaunsinger, PhD

Britt Glaunsinger, PhD

Professor & Class of 1963 Chair, HHMI Investigator
Headshot of Britt Glaunsinger, shown holding a metal sculpture of a virus
I’m fascinated by all things virus-related and also have a passion for clear science communication! I have spent my career studying virus-host interactions, a topic that first captivated me as an undergraduate when I took a virology class and read ‘The Hot Zone’ (an account of early Ebola virus outbreaks). I want to know how viruses manipulate cellular machinery to express their genes and amplify, both to learn about how viruses operate and to use them as tools to discover new features of gene regulation used by our own cells. One of my favorite parts of doing science is interacting with, teaching, and learning from the inspiring people in my lab. Outside of science, you can often find me running through the Berkeley hills, reading comics and playing with my kids.


Office location: 585B Li Ka Shing Center

Office phone: 510-642-5427
